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Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Obstacle avoiding robot is the self-controlling robotics system. In this project we can used arduino Uno and ultrasonic senses etc. This project is very basic demonstration of self-driving car or driver less car.

Component Required:  

Chassis: Chassis is used for carrying our electronic and other component.

Wheels: Wheels is used to move or to travel our robot form one place to other.

DC Motors: DC motors are used for driving and rotate the wheels of robot.

Battery: Battery is used for supply the power of our robotics system.

Arduino Uno: Arduino Uno is used to control the robot system it is brain of our robot.

Ultrasonic Sensor: Ultrasonic Sensor is used to detect Obstacles

LM298N Motor Driver Module: LM298N Motor Driver Module is used to control the direction of our motor drives.

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